Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Brooks Laich, Our Hero

The bff just left, I'm not tired, still highly energized over our antics so I decided to post this wonderful story, I've been meaning to for over a week now but I kept putting it off.

Stories about pro athletes being complete douche bags are a dime a dozen. Some of the biggest names in sport have been connected to a scandal in one way or another, I'm sure one prodigious golfer comes to mind, so when you hear a story like this one it warms your cockles and further lends proof to my theory that some of the nicest people in the world come from Saskatchewan.

Imagine this. You just lost game 7, eliminating you from the Stanley Cup playoffs, ending your season, losing to a team you should have beat on home ice. You're pissed, you're sad, and you just want to go home and eat corn pops and watch Family Guy but as you're driving home you see a car that's broken down, a mother and her teenage daughter, you get out to see if they're okay, and if they need any help. They too just came from the heartbreaking game that ended your season, so in your Hugo Boss suit, you get to work, changing the woman's tire, so she can be on her way.

That's exactly what Brooks Laich did, he stopped for two complete strangers, not knowing they were indeed Caps fans and changed their tire, in his suit! Anyone who drives knows a)how dangerous it is to stop on the highway with speeding traffic and b)how vulnerable you can be to car jackers and any lunatic who sees an opportunity in your misfortune so how amazing was it that there was actually a kind soul who not only stopped to see if they were okay but also changed their tire, and not just any soul but Brooks freaking Laich!

He's a pro athlete, just lost an important series, and yet through all of that he still had the decency to help this woman and her daughter out, how many pro athletes would even stop let alone break out the jack and the spare tire? Mrs. Laich raised her boy well, and Saskatchewan can be proud of another honest, good hearted, son. Oh Brooks I adore you even more now!

Let's rewatch this classic Caps video in honour of Brooks' awesomeness

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