Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So This Is Like The Battle of Helms Deep

please ignore that I'm making a nerd reference and go with it...

We're not at The Return of the King epic battle stage yet but this game will definitely tip the scales in favour of the victor...clearly I watched The Two Towers the other night.

Last night Canada beat Germany but its Germany, come on now, like that wasn't going to happen. HOWEVER, tonight is when things get really interesting. Canada is playing our old rival Russia and a win is not going to be that easy.

I don't know who will win, and no its not a battle between Alexander Ovechkin and Sidney Crosby (that angle will just not die) its going to come down to goaltending, as these types of games usually do, so really its Luongo vs Nabakov. Nabby is a more consistent goalie although, when Luongo is good, he's really good.


We're still not winning gold. Hockey is the fastest game on earth, and even if they do make it to the finals, 4 games in 6 days, will have taken its toll...I'm just sayin.

LOL the men in my family are adorable. My dad made tonight's dinner last night so we could all watch the game and when I was leaving for school today my brother was like ARE YOU GOING TO BE HOME IN TIME FOR THE GAME???? Isn't that adorable?

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