Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Coles Notes on the NHL

Its been AGES since a legitimate hockey post. There was once a time when I would post every single day, and almost always it was about hockey.

What happened?

Not too sure to be honest, I haven't watched a game in a really long time. I'm still a hockey fan its just I have school till late at nigh,t and when I'm not at school I'm at work till late at night, and when I'm not at work I want to hang out with my friends. Hockey just fell to the way side for some reason and rugby has taken over. However, to be fair it has never been to the level at which I used to post about Hockey.

This drought ends tonight because enough has happened in the NHL for me to reactivate the Hockey tag, that's right its a motherflippin hockey post!

Pappa Wilson and Uncle Brian went to the orphanage for the criminally deranged and brought me back some new little brothers

Toronto got rid of Jason Blake, Finnish Cuteness Vesa Toskala, Ian White, Matt Stajan, Niklas Hagman, Jamal Meyers. In return they got Jean-Sebastien Giguere, Dion Phaneuf,Keith Aulie, and Fredrik Sjostrom.

...still not making the playoffs, though.

PS NGL, its so weird seeing Dion Phaneuf in the blue and white

The Columbus Blue Jackets Fire Ken Hitchcock

This is the world of sports-business, you rework a team pull them out of perennially losses, help the team achieve its first playoff berth, and when things start getting dark you axe them. Ohioians didn't even know what hockey was until Hitch totally revamped that team...I guess we should have known this season wasn't going to be a good one when Danny Gare disappeared off of the face of the earth, he knew what was up!

Ilya Kovalchuk is leaving Atlanta

its pretty much a done deal. Took him long enough, huh? I mean he's been there for a million years, it seems and no offense to Atlanta but Kovalchuck is better than that!

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