And the plot thickens.
Remember how Komisarek is being accused of alledgely punching a woman in the face? Remember how MLSE, the LAPD and Komisarek himself haven't said much about the charges, well TMZ has a new development, apparently witnesses say that he never punched her, that she actually smacked her nose on his head causing her to bleed.
But I ask you this, are these witnesses his teammates???
I'm still getting bad vibes from this whole situation. I may be unfairly tarring Komisarek with the same brush, as I've had a lifetime of experience concerning hockey players...that sounds wrong. What I mean is my brother played select, I've had friends play triple A hockey, so I know the culture of hockey players: a girl in every city; it wouldn't really surprise me if it were true, and there are reasons why I'm inclined to believe that it is.
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