Saturday, September 26, 2009


While I'm all for male nudity and the propensity of male athletes taking their clothes off, this Rugby For Heroes Calendar certainly leaves something to be desired.

Its a great cause, don't get me wrong, there isn't much support for troops once their governments are done using them for their own imperial, neo-liberal, policies. It happens here in Canada. It happens in America. It happens in Britain. It happens in pretty much every country with a functioning army.

Those men and women who sacrificed so much, with the honorable intention of defending their country, are often shafted by their governments, and not supported when they return home from...well war; and its even worse if the soldier has been maimed or crippled during their tour of duty, so I full support this cause of helping out the troops. But this post isn't about supporting our troops, its about not supporting this low rent calendar...only in theory because if you can buy this calendar or support your troops wherever you come from, please, please do!

What concerns me about this calendar, or from what I've seen, is that it kind of. Sort of. Really looks like a gay porn. I'd call it "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Ooopps there's that perving again.

Moving on...It looks really cheap. Whose idea was it to use a white background? A plain white background? There is no set, its all very one dymentional, as if they said "All right boys, take your shirts off, pose with the gun, and look mean."


I know people from my high school who are photographers who would kill for this kind of exposure not only would they have volunteered but they would have taken better photos than this.

Come on now, you're telling me they couldn't find an up and coming photographer willing to donate their time for a cause like this WHILE getting national and possible international exposure, bitch please?

Whoever was in charge of this needs to takes some PR classes at their local college or at least watch an episode of America's Next Top Model. Seriously, don't their troops deserve better?

Anyways beside my superficial and partial-philosophical objections to this calendar, I do fully support its spirit, I am glad that Rugby players like Tom Croft and Dominic Waldouck have taken their shirts off for this cause. I can't imagine what it must be like to go through hell and then to come back and feel as if no one really appreciates what you have done, what you have given up.

Here's where I plug Red Fridays:

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