Monday, July 20, 2009

Tommy Bowe Makes Monday Tolerable

Hey y'all. The weekend is over (boo!) but here to turn our frowns upside down and brighten our Monday is the delectable Tommy Bowe. Oh yeaaaaah, its a picture post.

Workin it out for Ireland!

Passing? Receiving? Who knows!

Ohohooo! Tommy's giving someone a spanking!

Taking on 3 guys is quite ambitious!

Who ever said white as part of a rugby kit was a good idea was not thinking of the laundry bill!

Oooo two fro the price of one, Jamie Roberts coming up behind Bowe!

mmm Man Love

Bun this, boys! Why not a hug or passoinate embrace, this ain't south central!

Bowe's muscle definition is out of this world I'm sure he makes all the boys jealous

Doin it for the Lions!

Wow his shorts are reaaaalllly short...not that I'm complaining

For the gays ;)

Well hello there, sailor!

Rugby players have the best legs in the sports world, no lie!

Dear Tommy Bowe,

This is all your fault! If you weren't so goddamn good looking we wouldn't be having these posts and making inappropriate comments about the length of your shorts. We take no responsibility, because we have none, all our perving is on you, my friend. I hope your mum can forgive us one day, actually hopefully she can forgive you because this is ALL your doing!


Every single girl who has laid eyes on you.


Anonymous said...

Haha that is SOO true!! Good pics too :)

Anonymous said...

20th of july
my birthday...
couldn't have asked for a better present... :P

other than the real thing of course ;)