Friday, July 17, 2009

The Dany Heatley Conundrum

Its been over a month since it was made public that Dany Heatley wanted to leave the Ottawa Senators and still Heater has not been signed by another team. I have an inkling that, no. 15 will be skating with the sens come October.

This whole situation ain't kosher. I mean why did the Heatley camp think it was a good idea to leak that kind of info a year into his 40 million dollar contract? Why are both parties fighting it out in the Media? And why did the media think it was ok to go to Dan Snyder's father for a comment on the situation, um, can we say tasteless?

I am a Dany Heatley fan. I am perturbed, yes, that he's barely into his $40 million dollar contract and wants out but if my Profs taught me anything, its to be objective and to look at a situation from all angles.

From one angle, Heater looks like a spoiled, self-centred brat, who throws a tantrum if he doesn't get his way. He seems to be an ingrate that doesn't know how good he has it.

But I pose this question, why would Heatley, want out of Ottawa when he's been successful (2007 Stanley Cup finals, Top Scorer on the team, etc.), where he's made several close relationships with both players and other members within the sens organization? Where he's made a life for himself after Dan Snyder's death?

Methinks a)Something pretty serious/unforgiveable had to have happened for Dany to want out and b)Dany is not in completely control of the clusterfuck that he is currently in, either he has an agent, a manager, a hockey-parent, or golddigger who has their finger in this pie.

I don't know guys, this is just an unfortunate situation. I don't know what to think.

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