Friday, July 17, 2009

Let's Talk About Tommy Bowe for a Moment

I was unsure at first with our boy Tommy Bowe. I would see photos and I would be like "oh hell yes" but then other times I would say "meh, kinda, not really, though". That is until I saw the youtube 'what about her eyes'. Anyone who knows who Mr.Bowe is, knows about 'what about her eyes?'. How could you not? His Osprey's teammates made sure they all knew about 'her eyes'.

He has quite the voice, non?

It wasn't until I saw Tommy Bowe in motion, with sound, and in technicolour that I understood. Tommy Bowe is a stud muffin(am I using that correctly? I've never used it before. I've always wanted to use it ever since I saw that Saved by the Bell episode where Kelly...err, anyways).

He's hot sh*t, he knows it too! He's not an a**hole or a jerk, he seems like quite a nice young man, or at least that's what my mother would call him but he does have a smug look permanently plastered on his face. Tommy Bowe knows what's up, and now so do we!

Welcome Tommy! We'll perve and speculate and analyse and fantasize until the cows come home and you only have yourself to blame!

PS Did we mention he has an engineering degree? Hmmm hot!

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