Monday, May 25, 2009

Mean Girls

The Pens lead their series 3-0
The Red Wings lead their series 3-1

This is happening guys, sh*t is going down, and its going to be good! Oh you know what I speak of!

Stanley Cup Finals: Detroit vs Pittsburgh, Parte Deux

Only this time Marian Hossa, who was a key player in The Pens' success last year now plays for the very team that beat them in the finals. Yes, Hossa is now a Red Wing.


Will there be trash talking? PLEASE, you know Maxime Talbot won't let him get away with that sh*t and our Lord and Savior will probably have a very polite thinly veild slight or two thrown out to the hungry hockey media. Yes, they'll be playing this angle till game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals!

How awkward is that series going to be for Hossa? I mean, The Pens have a very good chance of winning the Cup this year, like very, very, good, I can see them beating Detroit! Ooooo that's gonna sting for Hossa, who left for a team that he thought would bring him a Stanley Cup. The finals are going to be amazing!

Drama. Catfights. Dirty Hits. And even dirtier playoff beards. I am so down!

PS I love how I've already written off Carolina and Chicago.

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