Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And Here We Go


Its a match up for the ages. The one we've all been waiting for. Its not Washington vs Pittsburgh, its OVECHKIN VS CROSBY!

For the first (but definitely not the last) time in history the NHL's two poster boys will go head to head for a chance at Lord Stanley's Cup.

Oh, its going to be good!

Experts, critics, insiders, and players themselves have yo-yo'd between who's the best player in the league; who's really going to take the NHL to the next level. In terms of skill, despite their very different approach to the game, they're even. Ovechkin's a sniper, Crosby's a play maker, so comparing them isn't black and white.

In terms of personality and how they approach the game, they couldn't be more different. Both players are trying to distance the NHL from its beer drinking, bare knuckle fighting, John Deer riding, average Joe past, and bring it into the 21st century.

Ovechkin is going more of the superstar route. He'd find more similarities with his NBA/NFL/Premiership League counterparts than with Crosby. He brings an excitement to the game, an electricity never seen before. He has got the glitz and glam of expensive cars, designer clothes, and hot girls down to a science. He also brings a playfulness to the NHL. His interviews, his goal celebrations, his off ice antics have never really been seen before in the NHL. People rumble and grumble about his huge personality saying that he's 'cocky' and that his antics 'are not good for the came' au contraire. In Washington alone he has ignited a fan base has come out of the woodwork to become legitimate hockey fans and were you watching the All-Star weekend? If Montreal fans love you , how could you possibly be bad for the game? And with regards to his 'cockiness' I honestly don't see it. I just see a guy having the time of his life and he's not afraid to show it.

however is going more of the family friendly, tween icon, every young hockey player's hero route. Which is a huge responsibility, there's no room for error whatsoever! Crosby has a wisdom and maturity well beyond his years. You see it in his interviews, you see it in his play, everything is well thought out, well planned, well executed. He knows what he wants, he knows how to get there and like a Samurai, he always tries to find the most deadliest and shortest way to get from point A to point B. Oh and believe me, Crosby gets what he wants! Unlike Ovechkin though, there isn't much of a personality there. Its so hard to watch an interview with him after the Pens have had a bad game because you can tell he's simmering, he's fuming, just under the surface but he's holding back because he has a responsibility to the league, to his team, and to the fans, to be this picture perfect boy next door type. Its always serious business with Crosby. Is Crosby having fun out there on the ice (oooo Cut Copy reference) absolutely but he'd be damned if he let any of us know! awww this makes me sad :(

Who will win? Who will come out on top? Who will move on to take on the Boston Bruins (please like Carolina has a chance!)? F**k, I don't know, do you?


Oveckin vs Crosby, bitch, ITS ON! And I can't wait!

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