Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Day Before The Day

How heartbreaking is this song? Its clearly about someone dying, possibly even killing themselves. But this part gets me every time:

I didn't get to say goodbye the day before the day.
Was trying to get to work on time,
That's why I turned away,
And missed the most important thing you've ever tried to say.
I've lived my life without regret until today.

Doesn't that just tear your world apart, right there? Can you imagine this happening to you? Someone you love very much is trying to open up to you and you're too stuck in your everyday mundane routine. Its not because you're selfish, we all do it! We all walk out the door expecting the people we love to be there when we get back, we never really think 'this might be the last time I see them', and that's the part that's so heart wrenching. You don't get to say goodbye. You don't get to prepare yourself. You don't get to say all the things you want to say. To me that's one of the worst things that could ever happen to a person, never getting to say goodbye.

Ugh I'm getting that lump in my throat now, its time for bed.

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