Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sell it, girlfriend!

"He's acutally the greatest American to play NHL History. Yea"

Willa Ford AKA Many Modano AKA Mike Modano's trophy wife on Chelsey Lately. NGL homegirl looks good! Is that nose real? who cares, its a good looking nose. ANYWAYS, the only reason I'm posting this is because she name drops Mike Modano and the Dallas Stars or Dallas StaR as she calls it, to sell her movie. Hey don't knock a girl for using what she's got to further her career, especially in the business that we call show!

10 bucks says she takes off her top and dies in the first half an hour!!!

Kind of off topic but my friend Mike once told me that if there aren't any boobs, its not a horror movie its a thriller. Which after watching a few horror movies I've found out that he's absolutely right, at least one chick always takes her top off...and then gets killed shortly after. I guess we know who the target audience is:

hmmm the feminist in me would anaylse that as highly misogonystic, chauvinistic, and degrading towards women but that's another post for another time, PEACE Y'ALL

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