Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Bitch, you did not just go there

Um excuse me? Did you really just insult Faye Dunaway who's a legend, a goddess, a real actor! You should have just left it at 'my fans don't really know who she is' did you really have to call a 68 year old woman ugly? Do you really have to be so bitchy towards your own sex? Have we not been shat on enough by men that you have to go ahead and join in on it too?

Yea Hilary I'm sure we'd all be pretty like you if we could afford veners, breast implants, a personal trainer, botox, lip injections, daily chemical peels, hair extentions, a team of make-up artists and hair stylists.

I like you less and less. What happened to, not even the Lizzie McGuire, Hilary, but the post Joel/ pre Mike, Hilary. That's when you were the best. You were single, brunette, sweet AND you toned down the tacky but now you're quite bitchy, and still very much tacky, and you're built like a linebacker. Sweetheart, you can't act, you can't sing, just resolve yourself to your fate of romantic comedies until you're 35 and and then some young talentless twat will call you ugly and old.

PS Adele snagged herself a Vogue cover! First Blake and now Adele! Plus sized, beautiful, TALENTED Adele, oh ~*Hil*~ you'll never be that girl :(. Omg can you imagine ~*Hil's*~ tacky, nouveau riche, fake nice girl act on a Vogue cover? NEVER!!!!!!!

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