Friday, November 28, 2008

My pretend best friend continues to skank it up

Sorry Dom, but it appears that Sienna Miller and Balthazar Getty have reunited. Over the American Thanksgiving no less.

Real classy Balthy, real classy!

Sienna's a hot mess, that's one of the reasons I like her but I'm starting to think this girl is completely clueless. I mean if I were having an affair with a married man, and we were both relatively famous I'd try and keep it on the DL. Being photographed separately when leaving the same place is useless when a million people saw you together. Go the countryside or Madagascar! Honestly, if you're going to be the other woman at least be stealth about it!

I am in no way condoning cheating and homewrecking BUT this guy has kids! The other spouse usually knows what's up but the kids may take a little longer to get there, so why tear their world apart so publicly?

It must be so heartbreaking for them. Its also heartbreaking for his wife but kids are not equipped to deal with this sort of thing. I just can't understand how they're so brazen about this whole thing. Its clear he's not thinking about his kids and its clear that she's not thinking at all.

Balthazar's a prick and Sienna's an idiot!

Sorry, Si, I think we should stop talking for awhile...

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