Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Justify my love

Why? Why is Sidney Crosby the object of my obsession? Why do I spent countless hours analyzing, fantasizing, mocking?

Sure he's a great hockey player but there are other hockey players that are great that I could easily fan girl over (Ovechkin, Malkin, E. Staal, Lecavalier). He's pretty good looking but he isn't a Brad Richards or a Shane O'Brien or a Jose Theodore OR a Brooks Laich (hubba hubba). He has the personality of a cardboard box, and is in no way the Captain that Jerome Iginla is but I digress, why am I 'in love'?

Well this pretty much sums it up:

Sidney Crosby: Thanks to everyone who helped me get my 100th goal and my 300th career point in the NHL. Thanks to my mom and dad and most of all my sister!

How cute is that? Thanking is little sister most of all!

Its his down to earth, boy next door, nature that gets me every time. Sure I want the drunken hot sex with Caleb Followill but in the end I want 4 kids, I huge backyard and a stay at home husband in Sidney Crosby, *sigh* its not impossible, just improbably but not impossible.

*(let's not think of Dominic Waldouck, who's giving Crosby a run for his money because in Dom you can have both hot sex and a white picket fence...)

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