Friday, October 10, 2008

Danny and Dominic

Hockey players do not have a monopoly on hotness, far from, it in fact. But let's take a look at two pretty faces from a sport even more brutal than hockey, rugby. My dad was a rugby coach back in the day and when I feel like waking up at 8am on a Sunday, I may catch a game, so I know a thing or two about rugby.

But we're not here to talk about the ins and outs of the game, we're here to look and drool over two of the London WASPS (ahahahahahahahahaha) hottest stars, Danny Cipriani and Dominic Waldouck. Yes they are on a team called the WASPS, let's not focus on the irony of an ENGLISH rugby team called WASPS, let's focus on Kelly Brook's but boy (Danny) and my boyfriend (Dominic).


even that guy sitting beside him wants a piece of Danny



And just for all our perverted fantasies...and when I say our I mean, my


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