Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Apparently, people over at the Washington Ovechkins have been reading my blog. Now you're probably wondering, 'Nicole how could you be so arrogant to assume such a thing?' I'll tell you why because the NHL sucks at advertising!

Sure it works on those who are ALREADY hockey fans but when you're trying to reach those outside the NHL fanbase, using the Hansen Brothers just doesn't cut it! They'll just think, those people over at the NHL sure are nice people to allow the 'special' hockey team be the stick boys for a day or two, then they'll get back to their NFL game.

I think its quite obvious that the NHL has a little trouble with thinking outside the box in terms of advertising so I find it really hard to believe that the Washington Ovechkins came up with this marketing campaign all by their lonesome especially, when I wrote about nearly a year ago...

What is this new campaign, you ask? Well its NHL players as rock starz...I know, I KNOW! Its quite obvious I've been ripped off! But don't worry I'm not mad...I'm acutally kind of proud. Proud that they thought of something that could relate to everyone. Proud that they chose Ovie as the lead singer and proud that me a student from Canada came up with an idea that an advertising firm paid millions of dollars a year, had to rip off because they couldn't come up with anything better...


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