Friday, June 27, 2008

Knock 'em out!

Girls! There are many douche bags in this world and far too often we settle for their sorry asses, WHY? We're beautiful, intelligent, successful, passionate people, do we not deserve someone who will love and respect us and not act like an asshole?

Sorry to say but 90% of the dudes that randomly hit on girls are dirt bags. And a lot of us don't want to be mean and don't want to be rude BUT wouldn't you rather assert yourself, show the prick that you're a strong, beautiful, independent woman who doesn't need his nasty ass hitting on you in the middle of Bloor street or would you rather suffer the fate of Olga's voice mail and be harassed by a psychopath?

Oh Olga's voice mail! Have you met Olga's voice mail? Olga's voice mail was mercilessly harassed by Dimitri the psychotic douche:

...there are just so many things that we could touch upon that every [intelligent] woman knows to be red flags but the one thing that I think we can all agree upon is that any guy that toots his own horn in regards to quality of fucks, well...he's a douche...and probably isn't that good in bed!

Wondering how to tackle the awkward situation of having some douche being sprung upon you? (ha no pun intended)? Well, I say be rude as hell! Or you could listen to Lily's advice:

Knock Em Out, - Lily Allen

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