Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Explanation


Doesn't this remind you of what your dad would wear? Not your hot, young talented, uber rich, fifth husband!!!!!! Oh Sidney, darling, what will we do with you?

So you might be asking yourself, 'what makes the Croz hot as hell?', I've asked myself that question many-a-time and I think I've figured it out.

Its Sidney's talent that makes him hot; its the fact that he isn't a huge douche bag (although he really should be because he's a hockey player); he's so soft spoken and respectful; because we really don't know all that much about him (watch his interviews carefully, does he really say anything that would give us any idea as to what kind of person he is off the ice...not really); because he's got a hot, albeit awkward, body; and that he's a big brother and likes being a big brother (tnaw so cute).

He isn't suave, he isn't cool, he can't dress, is reaaaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyy socially inept (which is odd considering he's been in the spotlight since childhood) AKA is ain't no Tom Brady *drools* BUT ask any woman and they would, they SO would!

Dreaming over Crosby is like doing astrophysics, you have no fucking clue why, you just know that it makes sense

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