Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Today, 3pm is the NHL trade deadline, so obviously the hockey world is going semi-nutz. There have been some shockerz, some heartbreakz, and some 'who carez', and its only 2:17! Will there be more? Is the biggest shake up yet to come? Will keep you posted!


-Montreal trades Cristobal Huet to the Washington Capitals: WTF, who saw this one coming??? I really don't know what the Canadiens are aiming at because there's no way Carey Price, as talented as he is, is ready to be the #1 goalie in one of, if not THE, toughest hockey markets in the league. Seriously what were they thinking???

-Peter Forsberg signing with Colorado: LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE!!!!! Didn't Pete say that he wasn't going to sign this year because he wasn't comfortable playing at the NHL level with his injuries???? and then a week later signs with the Avalanche, what kind of fucked up mind games is he playing?

-Buffalo trades Brian Campbell to San Jose: The press conference was a tear jerker, having spent his entire career, thus far, in Buffalo, Campbell was open and honest about leaving. He wanted to stay but in the end Buffalo could not afford him. No doubt the club and the fans will miss Brian Campbell *tear* ...but hey now Campbell can learn how to surf and get a tan, yes? Yes?

-Tampa Bay trades Brad Richards to the Dallas Stars: and somewhere in Florida, Vincent Lecavalier is crying himself to sleep. We all saw this trade coming like since November but still, its a tough pill to swallow when one of the best lines in the league is torn apart, plus I'll hardily ever get to see Richards' pretty face now that he's in the Western Conference, boo!

Who Carezzzz
-Toronto trades Wade Belak to the Florida Panthers: Wow Fletch, getting rid of the dead weight, wow! What.A.Move. Why don't you trade one of our ~*stars*~ like Tucker, or McCabe, or Steen, to really shake up the team but of course you won't because this is the Leafs we're talking about, my delinquent little brother; who makes all the wrong moves, in detention everyday and yet still gets all of our parents love and a higher allowance... I really don't understand this club, Not. At. All.

-New York Islanders sign Mike Comrie to a one year deal: Oooo the ex-boyfriend signs with the only team that wants him. Sure he's been good with the Islanders BUT can you really see Comrie doing well on any other team in the league...yea I didn't think so. Well at least him and Rick Dipetro can still share gel.

You want more? Well TSN gets paid for this shit and I don't so just Follow The Yellow Brick Road, for even more trade and acquisition, news.

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