Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So What's the Deal?

No doubt the homeboysezzz are having a hard time leaving Steele-town, the Pens were a very close team, probably the closest in the league; they were a brotherhood, and now two of their key players are being sent down to the dirty south AKA HOT-lanta AKA Atlanta. I'm sure the entire team is having a hard time with this trade, I mean Marian Hossa has ~*mad skill*~, would be an asset to any team, and they're lucky to have him but at the same time, is he a rental? is here to stay? if not, was it really a smart move to sign a guy for a few months just to have him leave at the end of the season at the expense of two players who were an integral part of this team? Who knows, only time will tell. If and only IF they sign Hossa to a long-ish term deal, then I would say yes it was worth it but until then I'm questioning Shero's logic here, but what else can we do, we must push on! Lead the way Malkin!!!

Peace out Armstrong and Christensen!!!!!

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