Wednesday, November 07, 2007

MERKKED & The Harold Ballard Curse

So my boys the Sens murdered the Bitches in Blue last night, 5-1.

Can you say, OUCH?

That's gotta sting especially after the verbal ass wooping the Bitches in blue got from their coach, Paul Maurice...not that it worked or anything because no amount of bag-skate threats would have changed the tide on this one.

Let's be honest, the leafs beating the sens would be like Kate Moss kicking her coke habit: entirely possible but very unlikely, seeing as how the laws of the universe just don't work that way!

The bitches just can't cut it!

Its not because the players on the leafs' roster suck; quite the contrary, they're actually good [individual] players ( see Antropov, Nik) . Its just for some reason the bitches can't gel, can't become a team, a mega force to be reckoned with ( see Ottawa Sentors). AND its not just this leafs team that can't cut it, its been every single leafs team since 2000 (when winning the Stanley cup was a very real possibility) and my brother has a theory...

It's called: The Harold Ballard Curse.

Who is Harold Ballard? Well to make a long story short, he owned the leafs from like 1960s to 1980s, and let's just say he was not well liked. He changed the way Leafs Inc. was run; he has his fingers in everyone's pies, sold the Leafs Stanley cup banners and equipment, kept players' salaries low so the club could be one of the richest in the league, was charged with fraud spent time in jail, was racist towards European players, was accused of molesting a girl (settled out of court, of course), was violent towards his family and basically was an evil man.

Anyways, according to my brother, before Ballard died he said that the Leafs would never win a Stanley cup without him. Now I know the last time the Leafs won the cup was in 1967, and The Harold Ballard Curse would hold no clout because Satan was breathing from 1967-1990 but during those years (I'm asking because I wasn't alive for most of those years) were the leafs this awesomely bad??? I mean there was a glimmer of hope back in the early 2000s when, it seemed that it was only a matter of time before they would win the cup, right? RIGHT? brother thinks the curse is finally kicking in.

A curse would definitely make sense: A team with several talented players, A coach who knows what it takes to win the cup, a obsessed dedicated fan base, and a bank account that could take several third world countries out of poverty, And the bitches in blue still can't make the playoffs???

Bitch please!

...Does this mean I have to be nicer to the bitches in blue? Damn you Harold Ballard! DAMN YOU!

PS I totally have a school girl crush on Vesa Toskala, he's just so gosh darn cute and the best player on the team! good thing he wasn't playing last night, or else I'd have to have some words with my boys the sens.

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