Monday, September 10, 2007

From Toronto With Love

Yesterday I went to day 2 of the virgin music festival here in Toronto, and having been to the festival last year I must say that the first year was a hell of a lot better. Don't get me wrong, I had a good time yesterday, stars were fantastic, metric never disappoints, the killers were surprisingly good (Brandon Flowers pretentious as ever), the pumpkins were amazing but past their prime, I was just waaaaaaaaaay more excited last year. Why?

Probably because it was the first year, new and exciting; I got a VIP pass, and Wintersleep, my god Wintersleep!!! They played early on in the day and holy shit they just blew me away, and then that high that just carried on through the day. Later on in the day on the main stage Muse came on and holy shit, they were soooooooo good, I went on a trip, they put on an amazing show. The first year (on the first day at least) everybody was hitting their marks, and there was excitement in the crowd, everyone was feeling 'it', and it just felt so harmonious!

This year was a little different, probably because I knew what to expect and probably because I had no huge desire to see any of the bands. I liked many bands on the bill but none of them I actually HAD to see like last year. Plus my good friend Alice and I decided to go check out all the kiosks first instead of checking out the bands lower on the bill and on the lower stages, which surprisingly I don't regret. I got to spend some quality time with a good friend which trumps whatever random band was playing at 2pm.

Later on in the day we finally made our way over to the main stage in time for stars' performance, and from stars to the killers we were just lying down on the grass enjoying the music (because we were too far away to get a good view of the stage anyway). I had a really good time yesterday, it was chill, it was fun, it was relaxing. But still V-fest 2006 still tops 2007 because nothing beats the first time, NOTHING!!!

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