Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Topshop Princess, and a Rock Star Too?

Well I didn't buy the rain boots after all, I was just too tired and I really wanted to go home to finish up this essay outline and possibly start it, so alas no rain boots for another day. Maybe I'll buy them tomorrow...or not whatever!

SO it turns out I don't, I repeat, don't have to go to summer school, which is a relief financially and mentally! Woot!

Celebrity/Rockstar/whatever Forums: I do read them however, I never participate!I do find it an entertaining read; people's conspiracy theories and their psycho analysis of Rock stars whom they've only read about in magazines or met for a total 5 minutes while asking for an autograph, is quite amusing and scary since, whoa you actually have time to think this all up? better yet, you care enough to think this all up????

Do you know what I want, what I really, really want? A best friend. I haven't had one since grade 9 and I really miss having one. My brother and sister are my best friends BUT they don't count (lol). I know being 19 female and single I'm supposed to want to have a boyfriend, and yes it would be nice to have one (I guess) I'd rather have a best friend, whom I can scheme with, go out to dinner with, see really bad movies with, be a tease with (lolz), I just want that one person (outside my family) that no matter what they'll always be there for me. I know I'm being choosy, in wanting a best friend, when really I should be concentrating on just making friends because I have like 3, but I miss having that closeness with someone AND not only the closeness but also the mutual understanding that we are best friends and all else comes second. I really really miss that! But best friends are hard to come by.

this post is very incoherent isn't it?

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