Monday, August 21, 2006

City Slicker

I've only ever lived in metropolises (is that a word?), I don't know what its like to live in a rural community where everybody knows your business and you all shop at the same stores but I must say I can't see myself living anywhere else (for a prolonged period of time that is). Strange, I know, since its my dream to become a social anthropologist and study the most elusive cultures in the the unknown parts of the world but my longest stay in, say Madagascar, would be 2 years at the most which, in the grad scheme of things is tres minuscule!

I love Toronto! I love how diverse it is, I love how you can be anything you want and not have to worry about people whispering behind your back! I love how there is complete harmony with so many different people and I love how alive it is! I also love the same things about New York, except there is no hometown advantage here because New York is first in my books and Toronto comes in at a close second. I don't know what it is, maybe its the magic of the big apple that millions have succumbed to.

Ever since we traveled to New York, I have the travel bug! I want to see the world and fuck I'll stay in youth hostels, considering that's all I can afford, but like Vivian said, we shouldn't waste our youth worrying about how expensive everything is, you only live once, you're only young once, do all the things you want to do now and worry about the money later, it will all work out in the end.

Next destination Mexico followed by London and Paris (I can dream)

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