Sunday, June 18, 2006

Alex Turner Spits!

I'm glad I went to the arctic monkeys concert. I was right in front this time and made eye contact with Alex and Helders but that's neither here nor there, the point is, is that their music is fucking awesome, and Helders is a fucking fantastic drummer AND I danced their whole set, the whole time!!!!!!!! Even when there wasn't any music...but that could be due to the face that umm I was "kind of" high,

I have orientation tomorrow for the children of the richest people in the city and some of the poorest children in the city. Oh the juxtaposition. Should be interesting for sure!

So another thing on my mind as of late, is my future. See next year I will still be considered a first year student seeing as how I only took 3 classes, so I have one more year to sort myself out. I'd really, really love to become a social anthropologist and write for national geographic, save some mysterious culture in the middle of nowhere from vanishing, write award winning books, speak at seminars and just basically spend the rest of my days dressed in khakis, however, what we want and what we get are two different things. I want to travel and learn from other cultures and never stay in one place too long but alas kids I'm afraid! I'm afraid I'll just end up being a teacher or god forbid an office clerk(:S).

Plus lately there are so many other professions that I could see myself doing i.e. Museum curator/buyer,Political philosopher,freelance journalist.

I'm 18 and I'm expected to know what is going to make me happy until I'm about 65, what is going to bring in enough money so that I'm comfortable, and what would be a long lasting job that would make me a proud and valued member of society...Ok so, does anyone know what will make them happy, bring in good money etc. because I take public transit and I'd say about 85% of people that I see don't look happy, the only people that seem to be happy with their jobs have been my professors...So I guess this is a sign that I continue on with social anthropology, right? I'd rather have a plan that might change then no plan at all because in this society we need plans or else we're lazy weirdos...fuck I knew I should have become a hermit or a rock star!

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