Sunday, January 17, 2010

Elementary, My dear Watson!

As you`ve probably heard approximately 3.275 seconds after our boyfriend Tom Croft hit the pitch on Saturday started his first game after coming back from injury, he injured the same knee that prevented him from playing for the last part of 2009.

He`ll be out for 5-6 weeks, missing the first part of the Six Nations tournament. No doubt a serious blow to the already lacklustre England squad.

While Martin Johnson is pigging out on Twinkies, Häagen Dazs, and crying himself to sleep James Haskell and his mouth are petting their Tom Croft voodoo doll placing a pin in its knee every hour on the hour.

Oh don`t you believe for one second that this injury is a mere accident, a freak occurrence, NO! Now that Croft is out of the picture guess who will surely be starting for England...THAT`S RIGHT, the mouth himself! Coincidence? I think not!

Its too convenient, too well timed! This stinks of a set up guys. I mean come on! The day Croft gets his first start from getting back from injury, he gets injured, AGAIN, and injured one week before playing Heineken Cup pool rivals The Ospreys... Too convenient too, convenient indeed!

I don`t know how he did it, I just know that he did do it! Of course I don`t have any real proof, but I know the truth! Did you hear that Haskell, I KNOW THE TRUTH!

Who am I going to obsessively blog about now...

Don`t answer that question!


Unknown said...

Heartbreaking news! Poor poor Crofty. I just want to point out that he did play last week for 20 mins as a sub, this match was his first back in the starting lineup. However I agree with you--Haskell is gloating over in France right about now...the Mouth=wanker

PS Hope that your exam went well!

Nicole said...

Oops last week totally slipped my mind. I'll edit it, thanks for pointing it out ;). Haskell's pretty pleased I'm sure! Jonno would have started Croft over Haskell and he knows it!

Thank you, I think it went well.

Unknown said...

haskell is first pick 8 man over crane, the king of highlights and steffon armitage will prob take our boyfriend's spot but who knows what will happen with the current stuffy old farts in the england management

Nicole said...

ssshhh don't ruin the fake rivalry I've got going on!

Unknown said...

lol my bad...btw, i dont know if you saw this clip yet but its tc out on the prowl, in his bad sense of fashion again..,23791,12610,00.html (the ben herring beard being shaved off)