Friday, February 26, 2010



As if there was going to be a different ending, our women know how to win! The men's team were there watching, probably taking notes.

Women's sports have never been as hyped or supported as men's sports and last night the whole country were behind our girls, despite the questionable activities of the Olympic Committee its amazing how the Olympics can inspire a nation to get behind the same thing.

Okay enough with lovey dovey garbage, can we get to the inherent sexism in the Olypmics?

So that dude who's the chair of the Olympic committee, you know that guy who never smiles and looks as if he has a stick up his ass, not going to bother looking his name up, anyway he decides that he's going to make a highly controversial comment without review, without speaking to other committee members. He pretty much said that unless Women's Hockey becomes more competitive then it will be removed from the Winter Olympics.


Excuse me Mr. Stick Up Ass but it took time for men's hockey to develop into the highly competitive tournament it is today, why didn't you guys remove that from the Olympics because Canada, Russia, and USA were dominating? OH YEAH because they're men! And don't you think otherwise! Women's hockey has only existed for 4 Olypmics, which means 4 tournaments...4 TOURNAMENTS and this dude is writing off Women's Hockey altogether?!??!?!?!

If he's so worried about Women's Hockey development why doesn't the Olympic committee take their amassed wealth and donate it to countries, so they can develop their Hockey program, and create a Hockey community where players, coaches, and officials and compete and help each other, you know like the men's Hockey community...

Sorry if I'm on my soap box but I'm so sick and tired of people writing off women's sports, we deserve all the support and glory that our men get and if you've ever played a women's sport or watched one, then you know we play with just as much determination, grit, and fierceness as any man!

That is all.

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