Wednesday, February 25, 2009



My dearest Sens have been having problems for the past two seasons now. After making it to the Cup finals in 2007, their performance has been lacklustre. It had a lot to do with goal tending, it had a lot to do with defense, and it had a lot to do with the attitudes in the dressing room (since Emery's gone, I'm looking right at you Jason Spezza).

I mean last season they hit the ground running, and then December came around and it all fell apart. The season ended with the boys being kicked out of the first round of the playoffs by the team they kicked out last year, Pittsburgh. It was heartbreaking, NGL! So they got rid of Ray Emery, shipped him off to Siberia, and comments were made by certain players that season was going to be different that this season was going to be better. And come September I was brimming with excitement at what my dear sens were going to do with this fresh start, this new lease on life!

Sure this season's been different, but has it been better? Fuck no! Because Ottawa is out of the playoffs right now and I really don't see that changing within the next few weeks. Their prefromance has been dismal, depressing even. So I don't understand Murray's insistance on trying to keep together this team that no longer works! Not only that but bring back a player (Comrie) who was not happy in Ottawa before, didn't want to be there, wasn't wanted by the organization, and played for one of the worst teams in the league for the last two seasons because no one else wanted him. So why bring him back? He's past his prime. He's a 4th liner on this team at his very best, and you passed up a first round pick for this has-been? PLEASE!

Sure he scored yesterday, and helped the sens get out of their slump BUT its only one game and if you think that he's going to be the key ingredient to light that fire in that dressing room, then you deserve the short season that's coming to you!

Trade Spezza, trade Phillips, trade Neil, and then maybe just maybe you'll see a light at the end of the season.

PS I'm not in Ottawa so I don't know for sure but I'm getting seismic readings on what appears to be Jason Spezza's ego and attitude, but that's only from what I've seen in his play, and off ice interviews, so I could be totally wrong...although I doubt that I am

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