Monday, February 09, 2009


My babies, my loves, my soul! Kings of Leon have won themselves a Grammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (best rock performance by a duo or group)

Can you believe it? I can't believe it! I had always thought that they would always be big abroad but never here in North America. Forever unappreciated, never vindicated in their homeland. BUT 2008 has proved us wrong. With heavy radio play, MSG sold out, an arena tour on the horizon AND Barack Obama elected president, 2008 who knew you'd be so badass? Let's hope 2009 will be even better.

Sorry boys, I won't be able to make it to the ACC when you come to Toronoto. What? Do you think I'm made of money or summit? But still Momma is proud, boys!!!!!

nevermind the fact that in recent years the Grammys have been increasingly predictable and irrelevant let's just enjoy this please, it might not happen again

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