Thursday, February 19, 2009

For the sling is tight, we'll loose this fight

I go through phases with music, with bands. I'll be completely obsessed with a band, like I have to listen to them everyday, before I got to sleep, when I wake-up, getting dressed, all the fucking time.

Sometimes this obsession lasts a few short months (i.e. Arctic Monkeys) and sometimes it lasts years (i.e. Tori Amos) and then one day I don't want to listen to them every minute of the day and maybe, just maybe I'll press the next button on my ipod when they come up. Don't get me wrong, I still love them, their songs still move me, and I still listen to them HOWEVER the honeymoon is over, and its time for chicken breast for dinner every night, sex once a week, and 9:00pm bedtimes.

Well that's exactly what's happened to my loves, Kings of Leon. I don't really know what it is, could it be that OBTN was a HUGE let down, the fact they are regularly being featured on gossip sites, or the fact that Miley Cyrus knows who they are. I am happy for their success, their Grammy, their Brits, their sold out concerts. I wouldn't want it any other way, they deserve it, so very much!

No I am not going to be an angry ~*real fan*~ and no longer listen to them because they've become mainstream, they'll still be on my ipod, I'll still buy their albums as long as they put them out but it won't be the same, because the music is not the same; its good now but it was UN-FUCKING-TOUCHABLE before, huge difference! And while I will not being going to their concert at the ACC where you pay just under a hundred dollars where I have a better view of heaven than I do the stage, I'll still support them. Its been a good run, 5 years, that's the longest music love affair I've ever had, another accomplishment to add to your Wikipedia page!

I guess what I'm trying to say is: Caleb, its really is over!


Remember when they looked like this? This is how I'll always remember them:


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