Monday, January 12, 2009

Jared Rittenhouse Boll's Got Depth Y'all!

This interview is c/o the lovely Bethany at Bethany's Hockey Rants.

This Photo is this interview. BTW blonde really doesn't suit him

What’s the one thing you
can’t leave home without when you go on road trips?

How did you choose your sweater number?
Just picked it a long time ago and stuck with it

Where is the one place that you have always wanted to visit, but have not been?

What animal do you think best matches your personality?
Tiger, because I like them (wow Jared, great elaboration!)

If you had to listen to the same CD on repeat for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
DMB (Dave Matthews Band) - Live in Chicago (I'm shocked, I had him pegged as a rap rock fan...along with country)

If you could change one thing in the world what would it be and why?
No mosquitoes, I hate them (forget war, cancer, poverty, Boll wants to get rid of mosquitoes. Priorities mate, priorities)

If you were a contestant on Survivor what teammate would you want in your tribe?
James Neal (I love James Neal he always has this 'WHAT?!?' look on his face)

If you had a superpower what would you want it to be? What would your superhero name be?
Invincible, Invisaman (Oh you so clever Jared)

If you had to pick a theme song for your life, what would it be? How about for your hockey career?
Thunderstruck, because it’s cool (Nice justification)

You win 5 million dollars (US) in the lottery, what is the first thing you’d buy?
A sailboat for my Dad (aw, how sweet *swoon*)

What actor would have play yourself in a film?
Ashton Kutcher (Only because you both have silky smooth straight hair...JERKS!)

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Yes, 2 brothers

All time favorite TV shows?
Saved by the Bell (Srsly? Not even Seinfeld? Simpsons? No! Saved By the Bell, y'all)

Dream vehicle?
Lamborghini (Well Dom, drives a Spider Audi...what have you ever done with your life?)

Do you have pets?
Yes, a dog (name? breed? favourite chew toy? ANYTHING?)

What is the best prank you’ve ever played on someone?
locked my brother in a closest, I thought it was funny at the time (I guess its one of those things were you had to be there, eh?)

If you could pick four people to have dinner with, living or dead, who would they be and why?
Jesus, Steve Yzerman, Scott Bowman, My Grandpa (aw, I'd pick my grandpa too!)

What is your nickname on the team?
Bollzy (LMAO)

What is your most memorable hockey moment?
Winning the macs in midget with Gino (Pisellini) on Team Illinois

What is the song that gets you fired up?
Van Halen - Right Now (No, just no)

If you were not playing hockey, what would you like to do for a career?
A sports agent (mmm Jared would look good in a suit, I'd be the CEO to his Ho any day!)

How did you get started in hockey? At what age?
I think my dad just put me on the ice once and loved it ever since, age 5

What words of advice would you offer to young hockey players?
Go as hard as you can every shift because it could be your last (this could also be applied to everyday life, kids!)

What are your hobbies?
Golf, Video Games

How do you prepare for a game?
Get mentally focused (could you be more specific, perhaps?)

What is the first hockey memory?
Scoring (Jared's doesn't get caught up in the details...)

What do you do to relax?
Sleep (NO WAI!)

If you are living away from home, how has the move to Plymouth effected you?
Good, made me mature (I'd beg to differ, doing your own laundry does not = maturity, and Kris Russell's giggles betray you!)

Anything you would like to say to the fans?
Cheer loud (Typical)

A few of my favorite things…

Hockey Player: Todd Bertuzzi, Darcy Tucker (...two of my favourite players...NOT)

Music Group: DMB (what's with the abbreviations?)

Food: Steak

Hockey Team: Columbus Bluejackets (I should hope so)

Movie: Dumb & Dumber, Rudy (Oh Jared...)

Book: Green Eggs and Ham (I think its evident that this was the last book Jared read...back in the 1st grade)

Actor: Matt Damon (Maaatt Damon, MAAAAAAAT DAMON)

Actress: Julia Roberts (Maaatt Damon!)

Brand of Stick: Bauer

Brand of Skate: Bauer

Cartoon: Popeye (WTF, when was Jared born the 50s? because when we were kids X-men and Spiderman were the shit!)

Superhero: Superman (BOO, Batman FTW!)

Color: Blue

Sport (besides hockey): Golf

Thing to do on the bus: Listen to music, talk

Video Game: any of the NHL games

Snack Food: pickles (I like pickels too, pick me! pick me!)

After reading this interview (which was done when he was in the America Leage or OHL, whatever its a few years old) its apparent that...well like I said before, would you really want to spend your time with Jared Boll conversing? Nah, I didn't think so.

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