Sunday, January 18, 2009

Brashear merkks Boll in the face, Danny Gare takes exception

And the man crush intensifies...

Hey, Danny, I agree with you but did you really have to jump out of your seat, knock over your bud light and yell in my ear about it? Boll takes shots to the face all the time (oh my what a double entendre we have here!), look he gets right back up ready to continue, there's no need to go nuclear!

PS In my psychotic obsession research of Jared Boll, you wouldn't believe how many photo's I've found of Danny Gare lurking the background. Looks like I'm not the only one jealous of Kris Russell maybe I should do a news serial!

PPS I'm not hating on Gare, he seems like a fun guy, like the dad elected to chaperon your trip to the cottage and then gets drunk with you and your friends and tells stories about when he was in the army in some foreign country and how he got down with the local girls...good times! Danny Gare is totally that dad, who drives a John Deer lawn mower and buys you beer for your parties because its 'safer if you drink in the house'. He'd be so fun to have over at a BBQ, non?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

danny gare. i miss him already in this young season.