Tuesday, January 13, 2009

At Home With Jared Rittenhouse Boll...Kris Russell was There Too

Danny Gare totally has a man crush on Jared Boll! And why wouldn't he? Jared's straight up hot!

I think its obvious that Jared and I are made for each other: I hate cleaning, he's a neat freak. He can't cook, I love to cook, SOULMATES!!!!!!! But he can't join my polyandrous cult just yet, Dominic Waldouck got's firsties! Sorry Boll, you've got to remain a boyfriend for now.

Oooo as his bff's gf, I could totally give Russell some tips on how to manage that impossible hair of his...I'm like an expert on hair because mine requires so much effort and maintenance. K, so Kris conditioner is your friend, and unless you're going to maintain it, long hair just isn't for you, hun!

PS Kris has really nice lips, non? Shoulda been a girl, we'll keep Ryan the way he is though, he's the better looking twin...I'm so bad.

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