Sunday, July 09, 2006

Wake up, eat, work, sleep, repeat...

This past week was my first week being part of the real working world, and by the real working world I mean 9-4/Monday-Friday working world. I've worked part time before but let's face it, working full time is exhausting. I love what I do, it doesn't even feel like work, the kids are great, we haven't had any major problems, little bumps along the way and some yelling but hey they're kids it happens, it is however very exhausting! I come home and I can sleep for like 15 hours! And I still have my other job so I go there once a week and I work from 5-10 and I get so tired! I had to wake up the next morning and ugh, it was brutal! So now I'm going to work once on the weekends I won't be able to do it during the week, for the sake my my physical and mental health once on the weekends!

So my parents are away for the week and I wish I could be an irresponsible teen and have some huge ass house parties and have the cops called on my ass but alas I'm working and have a life...Vivian and Natalie did however stay over last night.

We went to the beach in the afternoon, and yes I did get a tan, I now look healthy! Natalie left early because she had work so Vivian and I stayed behind for about 3 hours then we went to go check out the street festival (in Toronto), we had dinner at fran's (Nachos and a banana split!) then we went to go pick up Natalie from work then we headed to my house. They stayed over blah blah blah, we woke up watched trashy television ate pancakes, watched some more trashy television and then they left and here I sit!

So that was my weekend, oh how exciting is my life...

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